Natural Treatment for Allergies

Natural Treatment for Allergies

An allergy is an adverse reaction to a substance that is harmless to most of the population. Symptoms from allergies are many and varied. A reaction can be so severe that it is life threatening or it can result in a minor rash, sinus problem or other minor symptom. Some health care providers believe that allergies can also be the cause of chronic health problems like colitis, eczema, migraine headaches or other, often mysterious health problems.

Most medical treatment of allergies is directed toward the symptoms. This is a good approach if the symptoms are life-threatening. If the symptoms are chronic, it is better to find the underlying cause of the allergy. Even patients with severe reactions who take medication will do better if the underlying cause of their allergic symptoms is addressed.

Many of the symptomatic treatments actually undermine health and can make the underlying cause of the allergy worse. Nasal sprays, for example, irritate the mucus membranes. The membranes swell and produce more mucus as a response to the irritation of the spray. They actually create the problem that they are designed to solve.

Steroid medications, while giving symptomatic relief, deplete the adrenal glands. Ironically, good adrenal function is necessary to overcome allergies.

The commonly used antihistamines like cetirizine (eg. Zyrtec), desloratadine (eg. Clarinex), and loratadine (eg. Claratin) do not have the extreme side effects of steroids. Fatigue and dry mouth are common side effects of these drugs. Loratadine may also produce headaches. Deslortadine and loratadine (in very high doses) have produced tumors in mice. While offering relief, these drugs do not, however, address the underlying cause of the allergy.

It is good to relieve symptoms. It is better to fix the underlying cause.

Can a Good Food be Bad for You?

Sometimes eating whole foods and following a good diet is not enough to achieve good health. It may be necessary to take your wellness program a bit farther by finding foods to which you are sensitive and eliminating them from your diet.

You can be sensitive to a food that you crave. Sugar cravings, the desire for junk food and the inability to lose weight can be the result of hidden food sensitivities. This is very different from the familiar kind of food allergies. People commonly think of an allergic reaction as being immediate and severe, like breaking out in hives from eating strawberries.

Hidden allergies and sensitivities don"t usually have a sudden and obvious reaction. The reaction to the offending food can take as long as 72 hours. People with this type of allergy often have a chronic health problem that they can"t link to any particular food. Sinus problems, digestive problems, eczema, headaches and obesity are examples of the health problems that can be caused by hidden allergies.

The "Addictive Allergy"

This concept is based on the ideas of Theron Randolph, MD.Dr. Randolph looked at food sensitivities in an entirely new way. Here are some of his ideas.

  • * A person can take up to 72 hours to react to an offending food.
  • * Food sensitivities can cause symptoms of chronic conditions and seem to have nothing to do with consuming the offending food. Symptoms like migraine headaches, sinusitis, eczema, digestive problems, asthma, and obesity are examples of the problems caused by hidden food allergies.
  • * People with food sensitivities are commonly addicted to the food that is causing their health problem.
  • * Commonly, when the offending food is avoided, the individual"s symptoms become worse initially. Symptoms usually flare up for 4 or 5 days, but this reaction can last longer. After the reaction passes the individual will feel much better—chronic symptoms disappear, energy increases and excess weight begins to come off.

Avoidance Is Not the Only Way to Bring Hidden Allergies under Control

There are many well-documented cases of people who have been exposed to chemicals and developed many sensitivities. Physicians using natural health care are well aware of the fact that these patients respond to vitamin therapy. Vitamin C can reduce histamine levels. Trace minerals can support the liver in its effort to get rid of toxins. Supporting the adrenal gland and improving digestion are also useful strategies for bringing allergies under control.

In his book, Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient Connection Including Brain Allergies Today (Keats Publishing, 1988), Dr. William Philpott has some case histories of patients with mental problems who, by removing food allergens from their diet, experienced great improvement in their psychological symptoms. Many of the patients could tolerate their allergic foods after vitamin supplementation.

Contact the clinic by phone (705) 575-7560 or email to find out we can help you address your allergies.

For more information about allergies visit Dr. Esposito"s Allergies Articles page.