Hyperthyroid Hypothyroidism

Thyroid Disorders


Hypothyroidism is a decrease in the production and secretion of thyroid hormones which means, in turn, a decrease in the basal metabolic rate of the body. Causes include congenital anomalies, autoimmune disease, medication or surgery, infection, stress, nutritional deficiency, as well as dysfunctions in other organs. Some types of hypothyroidism are temporary, while others are more difficult to reverse. Hypothyroidism most commonly occurs in patients who are elderly, postpartum, have autoimmune disease, or other endocrine disorders. In my opinion, hypothyroidism is a vastly under-diagnosed disorder.

Key Points:

  • * Weakness
  • * Fatigue
  • * Weight gain
  • * Depression
  • * Changes in blood lipid levels
  • * Slow heart rate
  • * Facial puffiness
  • * Dry and pale skin
  • * Fragile and coarse hair
  • * Brittle nails
  • * Cold intolerance
  • * Changes in menstrual cycle
  • * Reduced reflexes
  • * Symptoms may be vague, particularly in elderly patients

How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help?

Naturopathic medicine thinks of the thyroid as a “canary in the coal mine,” in that the thyroid gland is very sensitive to stress and may respond by decreasing its function. Almost as a protection from “overwork,” the brain’s signal for decreased hormonal output may be nothing more than an attempt to get you to sit down and rest. So, suboptimal thyroid hormone levels may be due to over-work, stress, or other life issues that need to be addressed. It is our goal to help you assess your lifestyle and make necessary adjustments while also supporting your body to regain metabolic function. The thyroid peaks developmentally during childhood as we begin to learn to interact with the outside world. For some patients, this phase of childhood presented unique challenges that interfered with proper thyroid development. For others, thyroid disease may be related to issues with communication or emotional processing, as the thyroid sits at the fifth chakra of the body. Your treatment plan will be tailored to the issues that are most impacting your metabolic health.


Hyperthyroidism or Grave’s disease is an auto-immune condition that occurs most commonly in women and the most frequent cause of excess production of thyroid hormone. Signs and symptoms generally arise from stimulation of the adrenergic nervous system, and may include: nervousness, sweating, heat sensitivity, heart palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath, increased appetite along with weight loss, eye irritation, diarrhea, and changes in the menstrual cycle.

Key Points:

  • * Auto-immune condition
  • * May cause thyroid storm, a life-threatening condition that requires emergency treatment
  • * Goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck, is common
  • * Other auto-immune conditions may coexist
  • * Gluten intolerance is commonly associated
  • * Family history of Grave’s Disease is sometimes a factor

How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help?

As with any auto-immune condition, we approach a patient with Grave’s disease with a key question, 'why is the body attacking itself?' Inherent in Grave’s disease is this foundational issue of native vs. foreign tissue and a significant metabolic imbalance. The thyroid gland is responsible for maintaining optimal metabolism in all of our cells. With a diagnosis of Grave’s disease, too much thyroid hormone means too much activity and utilization of too much energy at the level of the cells. We work with treatments that will normalize your immune response and enable your body to return to a healthy homeostasis, including diet and biotherapeutic drainage therapies. We will also look at why your body may perceive that it needs more metabolic activity in each of its cells to survive. Studies have shown that Grave’s Disease often arises after a grief of some sort, particularly a romantic break-up or loss. Interestingly enough, the throat chakra (#5) at the level of the thyroid gland regulates emotional control and development. So, each individualized plan will address the emotional as well as the physical aspects of this condition.

For more information on the natural approach to Thyroid disorders please visit Dr. Esposito"s Thyroid Articles page.