First Visit To A Naturopath

First Visit To A Naturopath

Holistic Medicine

Your first visit will generally be one and a half hours in length - which allows enough time for you to tell your story, have your questions answered, and begin to truly understand how your body works. In some respects, a naturopathic doctor"s job is a bit like a detective"s. This amount of time allows your naturopath to gather all the pertinent information to come up with a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan.

Before your first visit you will be asked to fill out a health questionnaire and consent to treatment form. During the intake you will be asked questions about your chief concern(s), past medical history, family history, current medications/supplements, diet, lifestyle, sleep, energy and any other factors that may be affecting your health. Questions are asked at a pace and a time that you are comfortable with.

Depending on the extent of your case, a physical exam will either be performed on your first or second visit. If applicable, appropriate lab tests will also be done on your second visit.

Some form of simple treatment is generally initiated on your first visit. Your naturopathic doctor will then take the information you have provided, analyze and research your case and work with you to put together an individualized treatment plan. This treatment plan will be discussed in detail on your second visit.

Your questions are always encouraged. Please let Dr. Esposito know how she can help you.

Call (705) 575-7560 or email to book your first appointment.