Lifestyle Counseling

Lifestyle Counseling

Lifestyle Counseling

Naturopathic lifestyle counseling takes into consideration where you are in your health journey and what you wish to achieve. Dr. Esposito is committed to the education and guidance of her patients in making positive changes to various aspects of their lifestyle that may be inhibiting optimal health. At its heart, lifestyle counseling is about education and motivation.

Stress Management makes up an important part of almost every patient"s treatment plan since we are inundated by stress in our modern society. However, it is not the stress itself that causes the disease, but rather our response to the stress. Lifestyle counseling works at addressing that response.

Through lifestyle counselling we take a detailed look into eating patterns, sleep habits, water intake, energy levels, body hygiene and overall organization of the house and office. Stress or toxins may come from these areas and may also come in the form of negative self talk as well.

Sleep habits are evaluated. For example, a patient reports 7 to 8hrs of restful sleep per night; this may seem adequate at first glance. However, upon further evaluation, it is discovered that the sleep is from 4am to 11am. Still seven hours. But this sleep pattern does not follow the natural circadian rhythm of the body and can be a contributing factor towards health issues. Beginning the healing journey takes into consideration all aspects of day-to-day life.

Meal timing is discussed. When are meals consumed, what are the portion sizes? What types of food?

Exercise and activity levels are evaluated, exploring how much or how little is performed.Work environment is evaluated, exposure to toxins, commute time, career satisfaction, does the patient take vacations?

All aspects of lifestyle from cooking methods to body products used on a daily basis are discussed.

Lifestyle counseling is a huge cornerstone of healing and lessons learned are really quite empowering for the patient to take control of their health and know the specific lifestyle factors that make their body feel the most vitality for years to come.

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