Holistic Medicine: How Does it Work?

Holistic Medicine: How Does It Work?

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine is safe and effective because it concentrates on three key elements:

  • Healing Power of Nature. Our bodies" basic state is to be healthy. When you cut your finger, it heals naturally. We have an innate ability to heal ourselves. Your body constantly seeks a state of health. Problems occur when imbalances develop that block the body"s ability to heal itself. A naturopathic doctor"s job is to guide a patient back towards this natural state of balance to allow his/her body to heal itself.

  • Identifying and Treating the Root Cause. Three people may walk in to my office with the same concern of depression, however each person may receive a different treatment. The reason is that the cause of the depression is likely unique to each person. One could be suffering from the grief of a loved one who died. One could be suffering the effects of a condition like hypothyroidism. And perhaps one has a strong genetic component or family history of depression. The depression is an expression of the body"s natural attempt to heal. If we simply treat the symptoms and not the root cause, full healing cannot occur.

  • Treating the Whole Person. Disease affects an entire person, not just a specific organ or part of the physical body. A person is not their disease and disease is not simply indicated by laboratory markers. Naturopathic medicine takes into account other factors, such as the mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and spiritual aspects of a person. In this way, individualized care is offered.

You may have received one or more of the above elements in your current health care. However, it"s likely you have not experienced them all together. And if one of the elements is focused on to the exclusion of the others, health care may not be fully effective. You know, because you"ve been there.

But when you bring these three elements together one"s whole being responds positively. Are you willing to take the next step to get there?

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