Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Hyperlipidemia refers to elevated blood levels of lipids or fats, including cholesterol and triglycerides. Most people with hyperlipidemia have no symptoms. However, hyperlipidemia is a contributing factor associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), a thickening or hardening of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. CHD can result in angina pectoris (chest pain), a heart attack or both.

Although hyperlipidemia is considered a risk factor for heart disease, it is one of many risk factors and what actually causes hyperlipidemia is a debatable issue. It is not as simple as foods that contain cholesterol elevate lipids.

Another important factor, which has largely been overlooked, is the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol caused from a lack of anti-oxidant rich foods, herbs and nutrients and/or a large intake of foods and chemicals that contain damaging free radicals.

Chronic inflammation also contributes to oxidative stress and an increase in CHD. When LDL cholesterol oxidizes, it promotes atherosclerosis, particularly in the presence of stressors like cortisol and insulin. Cortisol and insulin together act as a dynamic duo causing all kinds of disruptions including an increased oxidative and inflammatory state. These are the real underlying causes of chronic disease.

Inflammation is also involved in the process of LDL oxidation and contributes to vascular disease.

The production of C-reactive protein is an essential part of the inflammatory process and the measurement of this substance reflects the level of inflammatory activity deep within the body. It appears that certain conditions create a state of excessive inflammation within the circulatory system. High C-reactive protein levels are evidence of this type of inflammation and hs-CRP is one of the lab tests that Dr. Esposito orders for patients at risk of heart disease and other inflammatory conditions.

Naturopathic medicine seeks to first identify the factors contributing to inflammation within in the body. Once those factors are determined then we can tailor treatment to address those particular factors.

Contact our clinic by phone at (705) 575-7560 or email to find out more information about natural ways to lower cholesterol.