Homeopathic Consult

Homeopathic Consult

Homeopathic Consult

Homeopathic consults are one of the "stand-alone" services offered at Algoma Natural Healing Clinic. They are geared towards people who are seeking a classical homeopathic consultation and/or wish to address deeper mental/emotional issues.

Homeopathic medicine was founded by Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor, over two hundred years ago. Through extensive research and testing he codified the principles of this comprehensive system of healing in the “Organon of the Medical Art”.

Principles of Homeopathy

The Law of Similars
This law states that a substance that produces a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person will cure similar symptoms in a sick person. This concept is widely known today in conventional medicine through treatments such as allergy desensitization shots and vaccinations.

How the person experiences the dis-ease and how it expresses itself into the body and mind is the most important. The patient is seen as an entire whole – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The same remedy will not necessary help everyone with disease X.

Minimum Dose
Only the minimum dose required to effect cure is prescribed. The body only needs to be stimulated slightly to institute its own healing potential.

Self-healing Potential
Our body has the innate capacity to heal itself. There is an underlying essence that supports and gives life to our entire being is often termed as chi, prana, vital force. Homeopathy serves only as a catalyst to stimulate the inner healing process and cure the cause of disease. Homeopathy does not suppress or palliate symptoms and drive the disease deeper into the body.

Benefits of Homeopathy

Homeopathy has the capacity to heal you on the physical, mental and emotional level. Homeopathic remedies are safe, gentle, effective, and do not produce side effects. They can also be used safely in conjunction with allopathic medications. Homeopathic remedies are extremely affordable, typically costing less than $10.

Homeopathy does not suppress chronic symptoms, but works with and stimulates your body’s natural healing capacity. In homeopathy your whole person is treated, not individual parts or one particular symptom.

Today, homeopathy is recognized as the “second most common choice of alternative medicine in the world,” according to the World Health Organization (World Health Report, WHO Global Atlas of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Map Volume, 2005).

One of the most common criticisms of homeopathy is that it is not scientific. However, more and more research continues to supports its efficacy.

Homeopathic Consultation

Homeopathic consultations to address chronic health concerns are typically 2 hours in length. During this time your entire symptom picture – physical, mental, emotional – is explored and understood in a holistic way. Your symptom expression is then matched with a single homeopathic remedy to effectively bring relief to your health concerns. The advantage of the homeopathic process is that it allows for highly individualized care specific to your health concern.

Call (705) 575-7560 or email Dr. Esposito to schedule your homeopathic consult.