Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Often grouped with fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue is a very real chronic diagnosis. Whether you suffering from this specific condition or just find that you are regularly too tired to get through the day, severe fatigue can interfere with every aspect of your life. Fatigue can develop due to many issues, including hormonal imbalance, poor sleep quality, unrelenting stress, infection, and metabolic disturbances. While fatigue is a symptom of many other diseases, in and of itself it is a signal that something in the body is not functioning as it should.

Persistent or relapsing fatigue is a sign of improper function and/or stressful lifestyle. In many cases fatigue persists for longer than 6 months and is not alleviated by rest.

How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help?

Dr. Esposito understands fatigue to be a symptom, an indication that something is wrong. Key systems she will consider as she treats you include hormones, nervous system, and detox pathways. She may recommend heavy metal testing to determine whether your body has an increased toxic burden, or various hormonal testing to assess your body’s hormonal function. In each of these cases, she will work with you to alleviate the underlying cause of your fatigue. She will also investigate treatment of latent viruses or other infections if these might be an issue for you. In time, you will find that as your overall health improves, your energy will also increase.

Contact Dr. Esposito by phone at (705) 575-7560 or email to determine how naturopathic medicine can help you.

For more information on the natural approach to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome please visit Dr. Esposito"s Fatigue Articles page.