
Alzheimer"s Disease

Alzheimer"s disease is a progressive disease of the brain caused by the degeneration and eventual death of neurons (nerve cells) in several areas of the brain. Patients with AD first lose such mental functions such as short-term memory and the ability to learn new things. In the later stages of AD they gradually lose control over their sense of orientation, their emotions, and other aspects of behavior. Alzheimer"s disease is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly.

Alzheimer"s disease is sometimes referred to as "diabetes of the brain" since certain areas of the brain, which are implicated in the condition, show a greater vulnerability to glucose deprivation. Controversy exists around the theory that Alzheimer"s is linked to neurotoxic chemicals like aluminum, mercury, and MSG.

The naturopathic approach to Alzheimer"s involves first determining all the possible factors involved in the illness. Heavy metal testing may be done, as well as oxidative stress tests. Mutated mitochondrial DNA is associate with Alzheimer"s disease and nutrients like Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 and CoQ10 may be used. Alzheimer"s patients typically have reduced levels of antioxidants and so it is important to ensure these nutrients are properly replenished.

For more information on the natural approach to Alzheimers disease please visit Dr. Esposito"s Neurological Conditions Articles page.